Which sake is suited to Hitohada-kan?

Posted on Jan 13, 2012 in Hiroko's Blog

Back to the note of consuming sake warm; I like Hitohada-kan temperature(body temperature, 98 degree) in which we can taste slight sweetness of sake without masking the distinctive flavor of it. Which sake suited to Hitohada-kan? Here is my list. All sake mentioned here is available in America. Enjoy cold evening with body warming sake over delicious Japanese meals. Need recipes? Find ones in The Japanese Kitchen or The Sushi Experience!

Tengumai, Yamahai, Junmai from Ishikawa Prefecture
Suigei, Tokubetsu Junmai, Kochi Prefecture
Nanbu Bijin, Tokubetsu Junmai, Iwate Prefecture
Kikusui, Junmai, Niigata Prefecture
Tamano Hikari, Yamahai, Kyoto Prefecture
Shirakabegura, Kimoto, Hyogo Prefecture
Azumaichi, Junmai, Saga Prefecture
Kikumasamune, Junmai, Hyogo Prefecture
Hakkaisan, Honjozo, Niigata Prefecture